阅读PG电子官网对Dr. 艾琳·巴恩斯

2023年3月- 27

庆祝医生周——医生. 艾琳·巴恩斯 - Family Practice Physician at PDH


“我是博士。. 艾琳·巴恩斯, and I have been at PDH going on 13 years now. 我是一名家庭医生. 所以我在诊所工作, 看各种各样的病人, 我在医院做一名住院医生, and then I also work shifts in the emergency room once a month.”

How did you hear about Quincy, and Plumas District Hospital?

“所以我从来没有听说过昆西镇. I was living and working in Sacramento as a locum in a clinic. I then saw an ad in American Family Physician magazine, which Dr. 杰夫·凯普尔的位置, saying that they were looking for family practice doctors that were doing 产科. 产科 was my passion and I really wanted to do OB but was having a hard time figuring out how to do it in the City. So, I cold called doctor Kepple, whose cell phone number was on the ad, at 9 o’ clock at night. PG电子官网聊得很开心. He said “well I think you would be a good fit, you should come up and visit.” So Easter weekend, 2010, I came up to visit Quincy and it was snowing. 我开车去了峡谷,那里太美了, 我发现自己在想“哦,我的天哪, 我完全可以住在这里.” I had a good interview and ate dinner at Pangea. By the end, I felt like it was a place I wanted to go. I still had some commitments to see through in Sacramento, so I signed on as a locum initially for two months. PG电子APP 6 weeks into that, I told Plumas District Hospital that I wanted to stay forever. 这只是一件偶然的事.”

What is something that you like about living in the Quincy area?

“The Mountains were the biggest initial draw for me. I am a hiker, skier, and cyclist, so I just love everything to do with the mountains. Now that I have been here a long time, I really value the community. It’s a great place to raise kids and it’s safe. It’s a community where people watch out for each other. I could not imagine living back in the city, really ever again.”

How would you describe your practices (Adult and Pediatric Medicine, 产科, 妇科)和不熟悉的人?

“I tell people that I basically see anyone who walks in the door. 从新生儿到百岁老人. PG电子APP产科, 我目前只提供产前护理, being as we are not delivering at the hospital. This includes taking care of pregnant women during their pregnancy, 检查她们是否有怀孕相关问题. 为孩子们, I do a lot of well child checks; seeing them once a year for immunizations, 当他们生病的时候去看他们. 妇科专用, I do a lot of procedures related to women’s health, 避孕, 妇科癌症筛查, 等.”

Out of all the disciplines in medicine, what drew you to Family Medicine and 产科?

“During medical school I was really torn between family medicine, pediatrics, and OB/GYN. I realized that I wouldn’t be happy just doing one of those. I didn’t like the idea of delivering a baby and not being able to care for it after. I didn’t like the idea of just seeing kids, as I felt that I would need more variety. So really, family medicine was the best fit as it allowed me to do both. I also knew that I wanted to practice in a rural environment, which family medicine is uniquely suited for since our scope of training is so broad.”

Where did your desire to practice rural medicine come from?

“我在一个30万人口的城市长大. The funny thing is, my whole life growing up I always wanted to live in a small town. 我从来都不喜欢住在城市里. It is also a very different type of medicine, when compared to most city practices. We don’t have many specialists at PDH, with the acceptation of a cardiologist and an orthopedist. You are managing more complex situations as a provider here. Mostly, I like the variety that practicing rural medicine has to offer. 我喜欢程序, 我喜欢医院的医学, 我喜欢临床医学, and I like taking care of pregnant mothers and their babies. Rural medicine is unique, as it is one of the few places where you can do all of those things.”

What do you find most rewarding about the work that you do?

“I think the most rewarding thing about the work that I do are the long-standing relationships that I have with my patients. I enjoy the feeling that I am providing a service to our community. In Quincy my patients are a part of my life to a large degree. My kids go to school with their kids and play on the same soccer team. I might be the den leader in scouts for their kids. As much as they are my patients, they are also friends. 在一个大城市里, 就像我在萨克拉门托练习的时候, I almost never saw any of my patients out and about. 这是一种完全不同的关系.”

What do you find challenging about your work as a Family Practice Provider?

“Sometimes there can be trouble with boundaries in rural medicine. PG电子官网的人不多, so the feeling that we need to always be on call and available for everything is a challenge.”

When you are not providing care, what do you like to do in your free time?

“Most of my free time these days is spent with my children doing family activities. The remainder of my free time is spent riding my bike. I am an avid cyclist who likes to ride everyday if possible. During the winter I enjoy backcountry and cross country skiing locally. During the summer we enjoy going on family camping trips both locally and in K等hum, Idaho.”






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